Monday, October 05, 2009

Carrick-on-Shannon 2 (Sunday)

First thing this morning, we set off to try and find the 'big house' that Doug's Waldron ancestors left from when they went to Australia. Charles Waldron was born at this house, called Cartron, in 1780. (They had lived in the house since 1697). After selling it in 1831, Charles, his wife and nine children emigrated to Australia. (They bought a property near Woolongong and he was Magistrate of the Territory for a year until he was killed in a fight between two female convicts).

We asked directions from a local man who sent us to what turned out to be the right place. He said, "And are ye coming home from Australia?". It's nice how they regard you as coming home after 5 generations! Doug knocked on the door and we were invited in by Mary and Bernard who made us welcome. They were most interested in the history of the house prior to 1837.They were able to add to Doug's knowledge and suggested other people that we should meet. They agreed that Doug can to bring Paddy Waldron to see the house on Thursday.

We talked to one of the people they suggested and he gave us heaps of instructions as to how to get to the Protestant Churches where Waldrons and Hamiltons are buried. There is also another 'big house' to find. I think that he realised how difficult it was for us to follow. His parting shot was, " If it's orll too much for ye, ye can come back." (It was, and we will.)

After that we had what will be a daily trip into Carrick-On-Shannon to check email and update the blog at a wireless Internet cafe. We enjoyed having lunch and watching this girl learning 'tethered rowing'. Something for Kelly, perhaps?

Doug's birthday today.......the second one that he's had in Ireland. It's been sunny and reasonably warm.

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