Sunday, August 27, 2006

Clarkes Beach

We thought that it was time that the jag had an outing, so after packing a picnic lunch, we met up with Kristina and children, and headed off to Clarkes Beach. Such a pretty place - we don't remember ever going there before.
Happiness really is 'sand between the toes'.

Natasha specially brought a long a shoebox to build a castle with - it got kinda heavy, and waterlogged!

Rhys was very taken with the seagulls - they liked the look of his lunch!

Fascinating finds of seaweed - 'Let's show Rhys Neptune's necklace!'

'Don't eat it!!'

'Here's a different kind of seaweed.'

The swings were very popular. Rhys just loves being on a swing

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bo-Peep for a Day

When you are Bo-Peep you have all this extra stuff to put in the car - now where are those sheep?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Emily's Birthday

Emily was 4 today. Here's a few shots of her, Rhys and Natasha.

And here is Natsha's first digital photo (of her sister trying on her new dress).