I don't think that I have added to the research already done by Alison and Catherine Delahunty. Doug and I have searched every graveyard in the district. I am sad that the gravestones of Joseph and Elizabeth??? that were propped up against the wall at Dunseverk Church when Alison came the first time, have gone. Sadie says that she was told that they were causing the wall to crumble so were broken up. Apparently Tullie, the last person to live at 13 Drumnagee Rd (Alexander Farm), was buried at Bushmills Presbyterian Church. There was also a 'Joseph' that Willie remembers well.We were unable to find any of these graves.
We spent some time in the Coleraine Library searching the Bushmills parish records on microfilm. It was a bit disconcerting to see in copperplate handwriting, that David and Daniel Alexander were twin sons born to Joseph and Margaret Alexander. I wondered if our records were completely wrong. There was also a record for their sister Martha, once again, Joseph and Margaret were listed as the parents but this time, 'Margaret' had been scratched out and 'Elizabeth' written over the top. (A case of amnesic husband perhaps?) Alison assures me that Margaret was already dead by the time the twins were born, and she has a copy of Joseph and Elizabeth's wedding certificate which proves that Elizabeth is their mother.

Alison, a question: Where does this Matthew fit in? Was he David & Daniel's brother? The dates I have don't quite add up. Could the daughter, 'Annie' mentioned, be the elusive 'Tullie'?
We are off to Inch Island again, tomorrow, to visit people who befriended Alison. We have hopefully picked the right day, weatherwise. This drizzle has gone on long enough! We will travel to Inch Is via Derry, this time. It's much quicker than taking the Ferry from McGilligan Point to Greencastle.
Doug has written a few thoughts of his impression of Northern Ireland here.
1 comment:
Tullie is short for Matilda (Tilly). She is Matthew's daughter - she Annie, and Joseph were all unmarried children that stayed at the farm, the other children all went abroad as far as I can see.
These three were the ones left behind and are the children of Matthew. Matthew is a brother to Daniel and David. Yes that is his headstone you have on your blog!
Exactly the same happened with the Robertson's - two daughters and a son left behind all three unmarried. All about the same time too. Ali
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