Here is the main street of New Sauchie showing the Co-Op built in the 1840s and as it is today, now a "Royal Tandoori', a physio and a hair stylist.

More discussions in the Sauchie library sent us to Clackmannan, which had this tollgate from the 1800s, but, once again, no Star Inn. The helpful ladies in the library there sent us back to Alloa.

Eureka!! The Star Inn at 56 Drysdale St, Alloa is a heritage building from about 1870 and has about 6 rooms with windows. The bar lady (left in the picture) was certain this was the only Star Inn, and there had never been one in Sauchie. It is located just past the library, off the main street. We also met a local named John, who (we think) knew someone in the war who went to NZ and seemed keen to know if we were left-footed or right-footed (something to do with local soccer teams, no doubt a wrong answer gives you a punch on the nose). We could understand about one word in ten. "Ah dinna ken another Star Inn". He insisted on a kiss "furr the memories" which I managed to turn into a quick peck on the cheek, then my feet accelerated quickly away.(The things I do for this family!)
Left footed/right footed means catholic or protestant.I think from memory left footed is catholic.
Come on mum... take one for the team! ha ha.
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