In the afternoon we went East to Montacute House, built by Sir Edward Phelips at the end of the 16th Century. No photos permitted inside but we saw some remarkable paintings and furniture.Many of the paintings were on loan from the National Gallery of Portraits.

On the way home we passed through IIlminster, here is their Minster Church, and 'The Dolphin' right next to it. It was Sunday so no shops open apart from the Co-Op where we stocked up for a couple of days.(This is the town where my brother taught on exchange, a few years ago).

Now, while we are entrusted with minding our host's chooks and garden, last night a nasty digging animal has come into the garden just below the chook house and dug a deep hole and eaten at least one nice parsnip! It's hard enough to grow parsnips in NZ without digging creatures helping themselves. Rabbit? Badger? Squirrel? Something bigger like the Were Rabbit? It also gets in the hen-house and tips over and eats the chicken-feed.
Glad you went to Ilminster; we had such a neat year there. We lived just up the road from the market building on the corner of the old A303. I taught in Axminster, not actually very far from Exeter.
We know Montacute well...used to consider it to be our back yard!! Even went there one day when it was snowing!!
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