We had a good last night in Gore - no fog, so it didn't seem as cold. Once again we cooked in the kitchen. Quite amusing - a young Frenchman came in to cook some pathetic little saveloy things for himself and girlfriend. I talked him out of frying them; suggested he just give the 1 min in the microwave. He told us about his camping adventure at Lake Blunt ????? He said that "The mices got into our campervan" he had tried to kill them by hitting them with a "One of these" (a saucepan).
After leaving Gore we set off for Queenstown. It was a beautiful morning - lovely blue sky; not too cold.

We had our first stop at Fairlight. The Kingston Flyer was there at building up a great puff for the trip back to Kingston.
We changed our plans at that point and decided that we would not camp at Queenstown but take an interesting road (Tobins Track) that followed on after the Crown Range. We would end up near Arrowtown. Sounded good - I have been over the Crown Range before and survived.
Some how we missed vital signposts and ended up on a 'bunny road' as far as Doug was concerned.

Doug was greatly cheered when he saw a turnoff to Coronet Peak. Some way up the road after we had enjoyed the spectacular views we came to a sign saying Skippers Rd. "Let's have a look," said Doug.
I have invented something new today. It's called "The Reverse Bucket List" On this list I will record places that I never, never want to go to again.
This was the dreaded Skipper's canyon. I haven't been so scared for a long time. We met quite a few vehicles going in the opposite direction - so scary giving way. The views were spectacular so I tried to distract myself by taking photos. I hated knowing that it was a 'No Exit" Rd so at some point we had to turn and retrace our steps.
Well we survived. The camping ground at Arrowtown is lovely, modern and well equipped. Doug is still keen to find Tobins Track; probably tomorrow, after we have climbed the big hill behind the camping ground.
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