Another freezing morning get up - 100m trek in jandals to the shower block - musn't complain; it's dry, and the day was beautiful once the sun sneaked up over the surrounding hills. The South Island is certainly getting the best weather.
We packed up the tent after breakfast, and loaded up. The stuff only just fitted!
We had our 4WD excitement early today. Across town, we forded the Arrow River (pretty deep, I thought) (but not over the bonnet- Doug) and set off up Tobin's Track. It was a pretty good track. We climbed very high up, and soon had a magnificent view back down over Arrowtown with a couple of seats! One of the seats was dedicated to Noel and one to Jack. The track finally met the top of the Crown Range Rd. (We went over the Crown Range over 15 years ago in the ute. It has since been sealed, and was very pleasant to travel on this time.)

We stopped briefly at the Cardrona Pub. Doug goes to Land Rover meetings in a replica of this famous old pub in Auckland.

Lake Wanaka looked so beautiful as we approached. We parked to gaze at the view, then took a stroll around town. The town was busy, Lots of nice shops - I felt that we looked a bit like Hillbillies in our camping clothes and old Land Rover. Everybody looked so smartly dressed!
Soon we drove around to Eely Point to eat our lunch. We stayed off the main road for a while as we drove towards Lake Hawea where we were to camp. En route, Doug did a little fishing.
Lake Hawea is quieter than Wanaka. We are in quite a nice camping ground near the lake. It isn't as modern as the Arrowtown one; seems more relaxed and not a single big board of 'Rules' in sight.
The sandflies are biting! I wonder if we'll have mossies tonight?
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