It's great visiting Whitianga without a tent! Doug and I set off in 'Skyline' for a night away by the seaside. Too cold to camp we decided - I can handle staying in a beautiful motel over the road from the beach - the weather was lovely too. The motel sitting room looked out over Buffalo Beach. There was a concertina, wooden shutter in the bedroom that allowed you to view the same vista from bed if you wished to.
Buffalo Beach is named after HMS Buffalo that was wrecked on 28th July 1840. She was anchored in Mercury Bay after being loaded with Kauri spars when a gale struck. The ship parted from her cables and as the crew couldn't save her, her captain (Capt. Wood) steered ashore onto the beach. Two crew lost their lives.
In May 1960 a tsunami hit the region, and the 120 year old wreck was left high and dry. Whilst many fled to higher ground, others rushed out to the wreck to search for relics. That was abandoned after about 20 minutes when the seas began to return.
During the low tides a local contractor tried to drag the keel up on the dry with a bulldozer. This was unsuccessful and the wreck remains in its resting place.
During the afternoon we explored the town, then took the ferry across to Ferry Landing.

We were amused to see this sign at Ferry Landing! At the motel it said, 'In case of tsunami alarm disregard designated emergency meeting spot and head for high ground. We'll meet you there.'
Flaxmill Bay Library.

We went for a wander and explored Flaxmill Bay. It's very pretty - not a soul to be seen up and down the beach.

Soon it was time to board the ferry again and head back to Whitianga.
We ate our dinner with all the blinds up gazing out onto that wonderful view - it was well dark when we went to bed - no need to leave that shutter open!
Another lovely day Saturday - we visited friends for morning coffee, then pointed the Skyline towards home.
We were amused to see this sign at Ferry Landing! At the motel it said, 'In case of tsunami alarm disregard designated emergency meeting spot and head for high ground. We'll meet you there.'
We went for a wander and explored Flaxmill Bay. It's very pretty - not a soul to be seen up and down the beach.
Soon it was time to board the ferry again and head back to Whitianga.
We ate our dinner with all the blinds up gazing out onto that wonderful view - it was well dark when we went to bed - no need to leave that shutter open!
Another lovely day Saturday - we visited friends for morning coffee, then pointed the Skyline towards home.